Please see our Sample Ceremonies below.
Hawaiian Spiritual Vows (non-religious)
Bride & Groom
The Hawaiian word for love is Aloha, and we will use this very sacred word in this ceremony in that meaning. Today we’ve come together to celebrate the special "Aloha" that exists between Groom and Bride and their desire to make their Aloha eternal through the commitment of marriage. When two people promise with Aloha in their hearts to share the great adventure of life, it’s a beautiful moment that all of us who are present today, will always remember.
I would like to start this ceremony with a "Hawaiian Lei Greeting". The word "Aloha" has many meanings but it's used most often as a greeting, and to describe the love that exists
between two people. The "HA" in the word Aloha means ‘breath’, and when two Hawaiians met, as a way of greeting each other they would breath into each others faces the breath of life. The ‘Ha’ also means life force and spiritual power, and has a male connotation. The "Alo" in Aloha means ‘face’ or front of the body, and has a female element to it. We are here today using the word Aloha for the joining together of the male and female powers.
I would like to ask Groom now to take this fresh flower lei and breath your ‘Ha’ or Life-force into the lei 3 times and and offer it up around Bride neck. Bride I would like you
to do the same and offer your life-force, your ‘breath of life’ to Groom.
The Hawaiian blessing is "Hoi Hou Ke Aloha" which means "Let us fall in love all over again".
Today we are gathered here in paradise on Kauai, which is locally known as the heart of the planet, on a beautiful tropical beach, warmed by the golden sun, with the turquoise blue Ocean stretched behind you, and with the endless bright blue sky arching above us. Let this magical island bear witness to your eternal vows and commitment to each other.
Groom and Bride you are entering into marriage because you want to be together.
You are marrying because you know you will greatly increase your happiness and Aloha more fully as life-partners. No greater blessing of happiness can come to you than to have this devoted Aloha, which you now publicly avow. Keep this understanding of your marriage alive in the days ahead. May your Aloha continuously grow truer and more wonderful with each day that you enjoy together.
May I have the rings please. Bride and Groom, take your partners ring and hold it against your heart, and fill it with all your dreams and wishes for a harmonious life together. Those dreams and desires will always stay with your beloved, wrapped around their ring finger. Please hold hands and look into each others eyes while you make these vows to one another:
Groom, Will you share Bride’s dreams, and dream together to create a new future for both of you to share?
Do you promise to cherish Bride, and trust, honor and faithfully love her, whatever life may bring?
Do you promise to encourage, inspire, and comfort her in times of sorrow or struggle?
Do you Groom, forsaking all others, take Bride, to be your wife. (I Do.)
Bride, Will you share Groom’s dreams, and dream together to create a new future for both of you to share?
Do you promise to cherish Groom, and trust, honor and faithfully love him, whatever life may bring?
Do you promise to encourage. inspire and comfort him in times of sorrow or struggle?
Do you Bride, forsaking all others, take Groom to be your husband. (I Do.)
The Hawaiian blessing is "E Hoomau Maua Ke Aloha", which means "May your love last forever".
Your wedding rings are a symbol of your eternal Aloha for one another and a commitment to your marriage. Please join hands and look deeply into each others eyes.
Groom please take Bride's ring and place the ring, on the tip of the ring finger of Bride’s left hand and repeat after me. "I give this ring as a symbol of my commitment to you. Wear it, think of me and know that I love you." Now place the ring completely on the finger.
Bride please take Groom's ring and place the ring, on the tip of the ring finger of Groom’s left hand and repeat after me. "I give this ring as a symbol of my commitment to you. Wear it, think of me, and know that I love you." Now place the ring completely on the finger.
Bride and Groom, you have pledged your eternal Aloha to one another and your new commitment to live together faithfully in lawful matrimony. By the authority vested in me by the laws of the State of Hawaii, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride!
I end this ceremony with a short Hawaiian blessing:
No Keia La, No Keia Po - A Mau Loa, which means "From this day, this night, Forever more together".
Hawaiian Vow Renewal Ceremony (non-religious)
Groom and Bride, please hold hands. The Hawaiian word for love is Aloha, and we will use this very sacred Hawaiian word in today’s ceremony, in that meaning. Today we’ve come together to celebrate the special Aloha and Love that exists between Bride and Groom and their desire to reaffirm this Love through this vow renewal on Kauai. Having shared a life together and having a better understanding of your partner only deepens your love and friendship for one another.
I would like to start this ceremony with the Hawaiian Lei exchange. The word "Aloha" has many meanings but it's used most often as a greeting, and to describe the love that exists between two people. The "Alo" in Aloha means to be “Present With” or “In Front Of”, and to share. The "HA" in the word Aloha means ‘The Breath of Life’, and is considered to be the greatest gift one person can give another, by all Polynesians from Tahiti to New Zealand.
I would like to ask Bride to take this fresh flower lei and breath your ‘Ha’ or Life-force into the lei 3 times and then place it around your Grooms shoulders. Groom I would like you to do the same and offer your life-force, your ‘breath of life’ to Bride.
The Hawaiian blessing is Hoi Hou Ke Aloha (Let us fall in love all over again).
We are gathered here today in paradise, on this beautiful Island of Kauai, which I should tell you is
considered to be the heart of the planet, on a beautiful tropical beach, warmed by the golden sun, with the turquoise blue Ocean stretched behind you, and with the endless, bright blue sky, arching above us.
In more than one way, we find ourselves in the right place, at the right time, for the right reason. Let this magical island bear witness to your reaffirmation of vows and commitment to your marriage and each other.
Bride and Groom you have been through life’s ups & downs and still want to be together. You are reaffirming your love because your friendship and dedication to your spouse has grown with every passing year. No greater blessing of happiness can come to us than to have this devoted Love, which you have been keeping alive. May your Love continue to grow truer and more wonderful with each day that you enjoy together, especially those days on this Island.
Now, Groom and Bride, we’re going to do the blessing of your rings, please face each other and take your partners ring from my hand, and hold it against your heart, and fill it with all your dreams and wishes for a continued wonderful life together. This is where you wish for a long life, good health, good fortune, and the new house you’ve chosen on Kauai. Because of the circular nature of your rings, those dreams and desires will always be with your beloved, wrapped around their finger for all time.
Now, please give me the rings, please hold hands and look deeply into each others eyes while you make these vows to one another. Now to make it easy for everyone, except Groom that is, we’ll start with Groom:
Groom, Do you reaffirm your love for Bride, and will you love, honor and cherish your wife in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her for as long as you both shall live? - I Do
Bride, Do you reaffirm your love for Groom, and will you love, honor and cherish your husband in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her for as long as you both shall live? - I Do
The Hawaiian blessing is E Ho’omau Maua Ke Aloha (May your love last forever).
Your wedding rings are a symbol of your eternal Love for one another, and your continued commitment to your marriage. Please stay facing each other.
Groom please take Bride's ring and place the ring, on the tip of the ring finger of Bride’s left hand
and repeat after me: I give this ring, as a symbol, of my commitment to you. Wear it, think of me, and know that I love you. Now place the ring completely on the finger.
Bride please take Groom's ring and place the ring, on the tip of the ring finger of Groom’s left hand
and repeat after me: I give this ring, as a symbol, of my commitment to you. Wear it, think of me and
know that I love you. Now place the ring completely on the finger.
Groom and Bride, you have reaffirmed your eternal Love to one another as well as your continued commitment to live together, grow together, and nurture your family together.
You promised to love, honor and cherish one another through it all. And while life has brought you both wonderful blessings and difficult challenges over the years, here you are today, having fulfilled the vows you’ve made, making your marriage strong, and your life together blessed.
You have symbolized this renewal by the joining of hands, the taking of vows, and the exchanging of rings. It is with great pleasure that I conclude the ceremony today, and congratulate you on your renewal of vows.
You may now kiss your Bride!
Hawaiian Christian Vows (religious with Hawaiian elements)
Mike and Martina, please hold hands. The Hawaiian word for love is Aloha, and we will use this very sacred Hawaiian word in today’s ceremony, in that meaning. Today we’ve come together to celebrate the special Aloha that exists between Martina and Mike and their desire to make this Love eternal through the commitment of marriage. When two people promise with Aloha in their hearts to share the great adventure of life, it’s a beautiful moment that all of us here today will remember. As for family and friends who are not here, know that they are here in spirit and are with you today as you celebrate your marriage.
I would like to start this ceremony with the Hawaiian Lei exchange.
The word "Aloha" has many meanings but it's used mostoften as a greeting, and to describe the love that exists between two people. I would like to ask Martina to take this fresh flower lei and breath your ‘Aloha’ (your love) into the lei 3 times and then place it around your Grooms shoulders. Mike I would like you to do the same and offer your ‘Aloha’ to Martina.
The Hawaiian blessing is Hoi Hou Ke Aloha (Let us fall in love all over again).
God has designed marriage to be an intimate relationship between a man and a woman, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This is nowhere more obvious than in Kauai, where we are gathered here in paradise, locally known as the heart of the planet, on a beautiful tropical beach, warmed by the golden sun, with the turquoise blue Ocean stretched behind you, and with the endless bright blue sky arching above us. Let this magical island bear witness to your eternal vows and commitment to each other in the presence of God.
Mike and Martina you are entering into marriage because you want to be together, and because your deep love for each other comes from God above. You are marrying because you will greatly increase your happiness and love more fully as husband & wife. No greater blessing of happiness can come to you than to have this devoted Aloha, which you now publicly avow to me and to God. Keep this understanding of your marriage alive in the days ahead. May your Aloha continuously grow truer and more wonderful with each day that you enjoy together.
Now, Mike and Martina, we’re going to do the blessing of the rings, please face each other and take your partners ring from my hand, and hold it against your heart, and fill it with all your dreams and wishes for a wonderful life together. This is where you wish for all the long life, the good health, and the new house you’ve chosen on Kauai. Because of the circular nature of these rings, those dreams and desires will always stay with your beloved, wrapped around their ring finger for all time.
Mike, Will you share Martina’s dreams, and dream together with her to create a new future for both of you to share?
Do you promise to cherish Martina, and trust, honor and faithfully love her, whatever life may bring?
Do you promise to encourage. inspire and comfort her in times of sorrow or struggle?
Do you Mike, forsaking all others, take Martina to be your Wife? - I Do
Martina, Will you share Mike’s dreams, and dream together with him, to create a new future for both of
you to share?
Do you promise to cherish Mike, and trust, honor and faithfully love him, whatever life may bring?
Do you promise to encourage. inspire and comfort him in times of sorrow or struggle?
Do you Martina, forsaking all others, take Mike, to be your Husband? - I Do
The Hawaiian blessing is E Ho’omau Maua Ke Aloha (May your love last forever).
Your wedding rings are a symbol of your eternal Love for one another and a commitment to your marriage.
Mike please take Martina's ring and place the ring, on the tip of the ring finger of Martina’s left hand andrepeat after me: I give this ring, as a symbol, of my commitment to you. Wear it, think of me, and know that I love you. Now place the ring completely on the finger.
Martina please take Mike's ring and place the ring, on the tip of the ring finger of Mike’s left hand and repeat after me: I give this ring, as a symbol, of my commitment to you. Wear it, think of me and know that I love you. Now place the ring completely on the finger.
The Hawaiian blessing is:
No Keia La, No Keia Po - A Mau Loa (From this day, this night, Forever more together).
Martina & Mike, you have pledged your eternal Aloha to one another and your new commitment to live together faithfully in lawful matrimony. By the authority vested in me by the laws of the State of Hawaii, and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. What God has joined together, let no person separate.
You may kiss the Bride!
Traditional Christian Ceremony (religious)
We are gathered here today in the face of this company, to join together (Groom's Name) and (Bride's Name) in matrimony; which is an honorable and solemn estate and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly. Into this estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace. Who gives this woman to be married to this man?
Guests: We do. (Then the bride is given away.)
(Groom's Name), do you take (Bride's Name) for your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?
Groom: I do.
(Bride's Name), do you take (Groom's Name) for your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?
Bride: I do.
Minister: addressing the groom who repeats the marriage vows:
I (Groom's Name) take thee (Bride's Name) to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, till death do us part.
Minister: then to the bride who repeats the marriage vows:
I (Bride's Name) take thee (Groom's Name) to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, till death do us part.
The Minister: then asks for the brides ring from the best man.
Minister: (about brides ring):
May this ring be blessed so he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in peace, and continue in love until life's end.
Groom: placing ring on bride's finger:
With this ring I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment.
Minister: (about groom's ring):
May this ring be blessed so that she who gives it and he who wears it may abide in peace, and continue in love until life's end.
Bride: placing ring on groom's finger:
With this ring I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment.
May this couple be prepared to continue to give, be able to forgive and experience more and more joy with each passing day, with each passing year. (Groom's Name) and (Bride's Name), are now beginning their married life together, we hope that they may have loving assistance from their family, the constant support of friends, and a long life with good health and everlasting love. In so much as (Groom's Name) and (Bride's Name) have consented to live forever together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company, having given and pledged their troth, each to the other, and having declared same by the giving and receiving of a ring, I pronounce that they are husband and wife.
Minister: (to the couple):
You may now seal the promises you have made to each other with a kiss.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the loving couple Mr. and Mrs.…………